Girl Talk: Who Is Your Disney Boyfriend?

First of all, sorry that this post is 2 weeks late.

Second of all, I did a post very similar to this back in August (How has it been that long?) called 'Which Disney Princess are you?' and a lot of you guys seemed to really enjoy reading through the different options, so I thought that I'd do the same thing, but from a different point of view.

Rather than finding out which Disney princess you think you are, you're going to find out who your Disney Boyfriend is.

It'll be set up like a quiz (for example a question, then answers from A-G). You have to answer according to which either best describes you or describes what you want in a boyfriend. Add up how many of each letter you get, and the one that you picked the most will correspond to a Disney Prince.

I think I overcomplicated that, but think of it like a magazine quiz and you'll get the gist.

I really hope you enjoy this. A quiz is another thing that I haven't really done on this blog, but if it goes well I will definitely do more!

1. Your boyfriend has just taken you on the most amazing date! It was?

A) A hunt for jewels, you love an adventure!
B) A quiet night in just the two of you, no need to talk
C) A really formal party. Him in a suit and you in a ball gown!
D) Somewhere cheap. He doesn't want to spend too much money, and you're happy to be thrifty
E) A jungle safari, something with an element of danger!
F) Somewhere secretive, you're not quite sure, but you're more than willing to trust him
G) Back to his place. His house is amazing and he has so many cool houseguests!

2. You're favourite thing about him is?

A) His money-making schemes. He always lets you get a cut
B) His sensitivity. You don't have to speak for him to know what you want to say
C) He treats you like a princess
D) His thriftiness, why spend unnecessary money?
E) His sense of adventure
F) His mysterious nature, you never quite know what's going on
G) His protectiveness, he will always keep you our of harms way

3. His favourite thing about you is?

A) You're money. He likes the financial security
B) You're meek nature. You're quiet and he likes that he can talk to you about anything
C) You're personality. You're the perfect person to take to the ball!
D) How down-to-earth you are. You don't need to spend money to have fun!
E) The fact that you're willing to go along with his adventures!
F) You don't question him, you're easy-going
G) You're sweet nature. You literally wouldn't hurt a fly

4. You like him wearing?

A) Smart-casual clothes. He tries to look like he's not trying
B) Smart enough to go to a formal restaurant, casual enough to go to the cinema and see a movie
C) Smart clothes. Very smart.
D) Whatever he wants, his clothes don't matter to you
E) Anything that can get ripped or torn (By his adventures or by you!)
F) Whatever he likes, his clothes are nothing to do with you
G) Something smart, that makes him look his best

5. You're sitting at home bored when he texts you, causing you to smile. It says?

A) 'I have another idea. We're going to be millionaires!'
B) 'I miss you'
C) 'I love dancing with you'
D) 'I found great clothes for such a bargain!'
E) 'I won't be home tonight, off on another adventure. Love you x'
F)  'I won't be home until late...'
G) 'Come over tonight?'

6. What is your favourite book/movie genre?

A) Anything involving a 'get rich quick' scheme!
B) Romances, obviously!
C) Rags-to-riches tales
D) Anything, you don't care
E) Action/adventure movies
F) Mysteries
G) Something foreign (maybe French?).

7. What is your idea of a happy ending?

A) Living in a mansion, driving a sports car. That's true happiness!
B) A happily ever after with your true love, away from the rest of the world
C) Being the king and queen, obviously!
D) Being happy. You don't need money or materialistic things, just each other.
E) Never staying still, having adventures together.
F) You don't know. You'll know when it happens
G) Living with your true love somewhere away from home.

8. What is your ideal wedding venue?

A) Somewhere that is expensive and looks great. Where did Kim Kardashian get married?
B) Somewhere low key. The marriage is more important
C) A castle, like a true royal couple
D) Anywhere. The ceremony doesn't matter to you
E) In the jungle or on a cliff top. Somewhere fun!
F) You've never thought about it. You don't know if you'll get married
G) Somewhere grand, that signifies your love!

9. What do your best friends think of the relationship?

A) He will make you rich
B) Your love will last a long time!
C) Your looks complement each other, you'll have cute kids!
D) He can make you happy without being materialistic. He cares about you
E) They're worried that he'll lead you astray, but they see that you keep him (somewhat) grounded!
F) They don't trust him, but they respect that you do
G) You're so in love!

10. The last question. What's your favourite Disney Movie Out of the 7 below?
(This doesn't show who you pick)

A) Robin Hood
B) High School Musical
C) The Princess Diaries
D) Lady and the Tramp
E) Mulan
F) The Chronicles of Narnia
G) The Pacifier

Mostly A's...

You got Flynn Rider! He not only enjoys making money, but he'll do all he can to make sure that he has it. He'll give you financial stability and he'll always involve you in what he's doing. He doesn't keep (many) secrets.

Mostly B's...

You got Eric! The most sensitive and sweet guy ever! He is the definition of what you look for, unconditional true love. You can be silent together without it being awkward, and you can sing 'til your hearts content!

Mostly C's...

You got Prince Charming! He is formal and always dresses to perfection, as well as making you always feel like you're his princess, which you are.

Mostly D's...

You got Aladdin! He's thrifty and you love that. You hate spending unnecessary money and he never seems to have it! This makes you a pretty perfect match!

Mostly E's...

You got Tarzan! He is so adventurous and you love the fact that he is up for anything. But at the same time, he knows that you're the only person that can keep his feet firmly on the ground. If you need to picture him, just think of Louis Cole!

Mostly F's...

You got Prince Hans! He's your mystery man and you love that about him. You're not 100% sure if this will go anywhere in the long term, but you believe in love and you believe in him.

Mostly G's...

You got Prince Adam (aka 'The Beast')! He will look after you forever. You feel safe to be away from home with him and he will always put you first.
It goes without saying that this is just a bit of fun and you will not be judged on your answers!
Sorry if these definitions don't link up with how you feel about these Disney Men, but these are how I interpreted them.
I really hope you enjoyed doing this quiz, as much as I enjoyed making it!
Thank you for reading!
I got Eric. Comment below who you got!


  1. Lovely post! My answers were a mixture haha they're allll mine!;p Abi :)

  2. I got Tarzan!! hahahaha this brightened up my day so much! xx


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