The Substance | Film Review
When Elisabeth Sparkle (Demi Moore) is fired on her 50th birthday, she is offered the chance to become a newer, better version of herself. I had heard such good things about this film before watching it, but I read as little as possible because I wanted to go in completely blind – and that definitely paid off! I absolutely loved this film! When you know completely what it’s about, the concept is really intriguing and original, because it takes a somewhat universal experience, turns it on its head and creates a world that shows us the visual manifestation of these feelings. And it does this in such a creative way, with really unique visuals. This film is visually one of the most original films I’ve seen maybe ever! And that goes for the dialogue too – very well written and original. The film has so much to say about ageing, vanity, beauty and self-esteem, and it’s saying these things so well. The performances were incredible. Demi Moore certainly deserves to be awarded for h...