The Prestige | 100 Movies Bucket List

This was a weird one! It was a second-time watch, but definitely felt like a first!

I watched this a couple of years ago and just didn't take it in at all. I watched it with my sister and we both didn't like it. For whatever reason, probably us not watching it properly, we didn't get it. 

And because of that, I wasn't looking forward to watching it again. But I knew there was a twist I couldn't remember, so ultimately I did want to re-watch it.

I'm so glad it was on the list because I loved it the second time around! And because I didn't know the twist, I kind of count this as the first time watch.

The story was really well done, even without knowing the twist beforehand. But knowing the twist just highlights exactly how well this was written and made.

But in addition to that, the acting! 

I've been a fan of Hugh Jackman for years but his dramatic performances outside of the X-Men movies always catch me a bit off guard because of how good he is! 

And of course, Christian Bale is amazing. He's the lead actor of at least 3 movies on the Bucket List, and there's a good reason for that - he's a phenomenal actor!

This goes in the pile of Bucket List movies that I can't wait to watch again, and it isn't a huge pile so that definitely says something!

If you haven't seen this film, definitely give it a go. And if you've seen it before, go watch it again just because!


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