Lakeview Terrace | Film Review

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This is a movie that I found on Netflix, watched once on a whim and decided that I had to review it. I always feel the need to review a film when I see that the 'Rotten Tomatoes' rating is a lot lower than I think the film deserves.

This film is about an interracial couple called Chris (Patrick Wilson) and Lisa (Kerry Washington). When they move into their new home, they meet their new neighbour, a policeman called Abel Turner (Samuel L. Jackson). The three get off on the wrong foot, and from there, their friendship is fraught and uncomfortable. But is Abel really angered by their interracial relationship? And just how far will he go to demonstrate his anger?

This is one of the first films based on a true story that I've ever seen where I knew about the story before I knew anything about the film. Months before I found this on Netflix, I watched a show called 'Neighbours From Hell' and became completely engrossed in the story of John and Mellaine Hamilton, who were basically terrorised by their police-officer neighbour. When I found out that this film is based on that story, I was so excited to watch it.

I really enjoyed this film.

Obviously the plot was based on a true story, but I really liked the way that the story was told. There were obviously differences between the true story and the film adaptation, but I don't feel like these changes took anything away from the main premise of the story. If anything, the additions and changes made it really entertaining.

One of the best things about this film is the fact that Samuel L Jackson was cast as the villain. He was perfect in the role. And while I loved Patrick Wilson (who I've loved since the first 'Insidious' movie came out) and Kerry Washington, a film like this lives or dies based on the villain, and he was perfect. I love supernatural horror movies, but you can't get away from the fact that, in life, the scariest villains are the human beings around us, the evil people that we can't control, who just do whatever the hell they want without worrying about the consequences, and this film is a great example of this. Particularly because the man is a police officer (which he was in the true story), and feels like he doesn't need to follow the law because he 'is' the law.

I also liked the fact that, while the story has a good side and a bad side, the main couple are not the best people in the world. They keep secrets from each other, which creates cracks in the foundation of their marriage. And these cracks are the way that Abel worms his way into their lives.

It's the kind of film that everyone you watch it with will have a different opinion about what should be done about the situation, and it's one that's really fun to talk about when it's finished (or even while it's on).

Overall, this film isn't going to change your life, and it's not the best thriller that you'll ever see, but it definitely deserves more than a 44% on Rotten Tomatoes. Give it a watch and see what you think!



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