May Favourites! | 2017

Hey Guys x

The end of May really crept up on me! I was planning posts and suddenly looked at the date, remembering that I hadn't even written my favourites for May yet!

I'm putting this up the day that I write it so sorry if there are spelling mistakes or anything, I haven't given myself the time to do a full edit.

Anyway, let's get on with it!

Favourtie Movie (1): Me Before You
Image result for me before you movie poster

I've got a review of this ready to go up, so I won't go into too much detail. But if you haven't read the book or seen the film, it's basically about a girl who gets a job as the carer for a quadriplegic man. It's a romance movie, and I loved it so much. I've also read the book, and I'm really pleased with how it was done. But more to come in my review!

Favourite Movie (2): The Lucky One
Image result for the lucky one movie poster

Again, I have a review of this written and ready to go up, so I won't go into too much detail here. But this is a film that is adapted from a Nicholas Sparks novel. I wasn't expecting too much, I thought it would just be the usual love story, but it really isn't! I definitely think it deserves a lot more praise and credit than it gets, especially because I think it's better than the Notebook!

Favourite TV Show: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
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There were so many shows that I wanted to put in this place, but I'm giving it to Kimmy because this is the only show that I watched completely on a whim. I'm the kind of person that shies away from the overly-hyped popular shows, which is probably why I haven't watched '13 Reasons Why' or 'Stranger Things', but the girl that plays Kimmy Schmidt played Erin in The Office. When I saw that she was the lead in the show I decided to try out the pilot. Especially because I had heard how funny it was and how much people loved it. I can confirm that it is really funny and, 12 episodes in, I am one of those people that do love it. I can't wait to finish season 1!

Favourite Song: La La Land Soundtrack
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I completely fell in love with this soundtrack. I was browsing ITunes, and decided that I wanted to buy one or two of the songs. I ended up wanting to get about 8 of the 15 songs on the album. However, at 99p per song, it worked out cheaper to buy the whole 7.99 album than to get 8 individual songs. So I bought the album, listened to every song, and fell completely in love. Every song is a masterpiece, every person involved is so talented, and I would urge everyone to listen to the songs even if they haven't seen/didn't like the actual movie.

Favourite YouTuber: Louise Pentland
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This probably isn't a surprise considering how much I love Louise. She's been doing 'Storytime' videos this whole month and each story was funnier and more entertaining than the last! I've really enjoyed delving into her world, and I can't wait until my pre-ordered copy of her book comes next month so that I can delve into her head!

Favourite Actor: Henry Cavill
Image result for Henry Cavill

Welcome to my latest obsession - Henry Cavill aka DC's Clark Kent (Superman). He has a face that literally looks like it's been carved of stone and he just seems like the nicest guy! I first saw him in Batman V Superman and thought he made a great Clark Kent. I then saw him in Guy Richie's movie 'Man From U.N.C.L.E' and thought he was amazing! I really can't wait to watch more of his films and to continue to follow his career because he's definitely one to watch!

Favourite YouTube Video: Bed Head

(Sorry for the picture!)
Bed Head is Jack and Dean's new sketch. I love what they do, I think they're really talented guys, so it makes sense that I would love the sketch. Definitely check it out - it's only three minutes long and it's really funny! I want to go and watch it again!

Random Favourites

End of Exams!
I finished my exams on the 10th of May and I was so happy to get home and know that I was completely done! But what makes it even more special is that, if I've passed the exam that I just sat (and so don't have to retake) I will never complete another written exam again! I've chosen modules for next year that don't rely on an exam, so that's something to look forward to!

The Office Finale
Image result for the office us poster

I finished the last season of the Office last week, and I cried so much! I haven't cried that much since the end of The Vampire Diaries, it was just so emotional! Although the show wasn't with me for the 9 years that it was on television, even for the two or so months that I was watching it, it meant so much to me and really touched me. I miss settling in every night for another episode of the show and it's sad to know that I'll never be able to watch another new episode. However, the good thing about finishing this is that I get to watch it all over again!

All I Need

I started a new fanfiction (combining the Vampire Diaries and the Avengers), which is pictured above. Just like when I was writing Rogue, I am so excited and happy to be writing this and uploading it. Fanfiction is a thing that is very close to my heart and it really excites me to be working on something that I can upload on a weekly basis and get almost instantaneous feedback. If you want to give me a few reads, you can check out the first two chapters of this fic here!

Thanks for reading!

What are your May Faves? Comment below!

Lou xx


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